Case Study: Agile Enterprise Architecture - Leveraging Capability-Based Planning for Strategic Success and Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies must embrace digital transformation and innovation to remain competitive. Capability-based planning enables organizations to respond to these needs by continually updating and optimizing their capabilities. Join this session to find out how to leverage capability-based planning to support frequent business process changes, respond to innovation and digital transformation needs, and maintain strategic focus and agility.

– Importance of Capability-Based Planning: Discover how capability-based planning is crucial in an agile world, enabling organizations to adapt to market demands and maintain a competitive edge
– Supporting more frequent changes to a company’s IT landscape for faster response to innovation and digital transformation needs
– Learn how agility and strategic focus on capabilities through capability-based planning enable organizations to support frequent business process changes and optimize resource allocation for sustained growth

Selmin Danış Öncül
Head of Enterprise Architecture Corporate & EA Office
E.ON Digital Technology GmbH


Case Study: Erstellung einer Roadmap für eine zukunftssichere integrierte Unternehmensarchitektur

Keynote: Cloud Compliance und IT Security - Die Erfolgsreise von Ratepay in die Cloud im Zahlungsdienstleistungssektor

Case Study: Wie man Technical Debt bei einem Plattformwechsel möglichst vermeidet


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